Reset quiz

Quiz Limit Override

Warning: You are about to override the automation and reporting functionality built into your site. To continue with resetting a quiz, follow the steps below:

  1. In the space below, enter the email address of the customer whose quiz or exam you want to reset
  2. Press the “Get Courses” button
  3. From the drop down, click the name of the course with the quiz you would like to reset
  4. Mouse over the lesson or module that you would like to reset
  5. Click “Reset” on that lesson
  6. When the quiz is reset a pop will appear saying “Quiz was successfully reset!”
  7. Double check that the quiz was reset by logging into your site using the customers email and password
  8. Go to the quiz that you reset
  9. If it gives you the option to take the quiz, notify your customer that their quiz has been reset


Warning: By using this manual override you are replacing the automation and reporting functionality. If needed, additional support will be billed at $25/hour.