Meet Jorge L. Valdes–gQtw
As a young man in his twenties with an insatiable thirst for money and power. Jorge Valdés was a founding member of a group that became known as Colombia’s Medellin Drug Cartel. Seduced by a group of Colombian businessmen, they used his financial brain to their service. His crucial position as the head of U.S. operations brought him into direct contact with presidents, generals, Hollywood celebrities, hired killers, and kidnapers. This Cuban immigrant, raised in poverty, was living the high life in more ways than one. He had a family, education, and wealth, so he thought his American Dream came true, or so it seemed.
As a millionaire playboy, making one to three million dollars a month, he had access to gorgeous women, yachts, private jets, and mansions all over the world. His deeds took him from the lap of luxury to the depths of prison and back again. Enduring tortures from a plane crash in the jungles of Panama.
Then an incredible thing happened: Jorge Valdés encountered a person much more powerful than the strongest drug lord, someone who offered something more satisfying than women, drugs, money, prestige, or power.
Told he would never be anything but a twice-convicted drug dealer, Dr. Jorge Valdés, who holds a Master’s degree from Wheaton College and a Ph.D. in New Testament Studies and Ethics from the University of Loyola Chicago is a renowned speaker who brings a message of hope, forgiveness, and the power to change.
Today, Dr. Jorge Valdés is spends the majority of his time writing books, mentoring few highly selected business leaders, and giving motivational speeches. He also is an avid Blogger and You Tuber, challenging everyone to delve deeper into learning from our life lessons. He also launched the Narco Mindset Podcast.
His first book, Coming Clean, was published worldwide by WaterBrook Press (a division of Random House/Doubleday) in September 1999, and that same year, Vida Publishers published Cuentas Claras. In June of 2018, Ediciones Logos published Jorge’s second Spanish book, Cerebro Narco. His second English book, Narco Mindset, along with Narco Mindset Workbook, were recently published by SLT Publishing and available through Amazon. SLT Publishing also created Coming Clean in the Workplace on Business Ethics.
Coming Clean, WaterBrook Press (a division of Random House/Doubleday), 1999
Cuentas Claras, Vida Publishers, 1999
Coming Clean, 20th Anniversary Edition, SLT Publishers, 2019
Cuentas Claras, Edición Conmemorativa – SLT Publishers, 2019
Narco Mindset, SLT Publishers, 2019
Narco Mindset Workbook, SLT Publishers, 2019
Cerebro Narco, Secunda Edicion – SLT Publishers, 2020
Coming Clean in the Workplace on Business Ethics, 2020
Cuentas Claras En El Trabajo, SLT Publishers, 2020
Evolution of the Ultimate Narco Mindset (Paperback),SLT Publishers, 2020
Evolution of the Ultimate Narco Mindset (Kindle),SLT Publishers, 2020
Incarceration Nation (Paperback),SLT Publishers, 2020 — Co-Authored
Incarceration Nation (Kindle),SLT Publishers, 2020 — Co-Authored