Swipe Copy

Swipe Copy

Below, you’ll find links to several example emails you can use to send to your list.

Be sure to customize them to fit your “voice” so as to sound as authentic as possible.

Don’t forget to add your signature or sign-off at the bottom as well.


Profit Maximizer Free Registration Swipe Copy:



Hi first.name,

It’s time to be real here. Business is not as usual. The world has changed. 

My good friend Mike Weiss and his wife got COVID. As you know, they are in NYC. It’s been 16 days since they got it and thank g-d they are feeling better.

It was quite a battle for some time: gratitude, gratitude, and more gratitude. 

My #1 wish for you is health! This situation is going to last longer than most people expected 🙁

Now…you might be asking yourself… What do I do now?

Authors, speakers, thought leaders, small business owners, we are all facing NEW challenges daily. 

Mike’s here to support you through this, so you move from survive to thrive. 

That’s why he’s graciously decided to share his top training designed to HELP you navigate your next steps.

1) Mike’s company Client Engagement Academy (CEA) has opened up our Profit Maximizer VIP Membership – at NO charge. YOU should request access now by clicking this link

2) During this time, you’re either contracting, stuck in the ordinary – which means you are not doing anything to further your business, or you’re delivering a STRATEGY OF PREEMINANCE (SOP)!

Mike’s developed the SOP for you. Book an appointment to speak with Mike with this link (15-minute zoom meeting), and he’ll share what you should be doing. 

3) Connect with Mike on LinkedIn now. Every day he’s teaching something new to help you grow your business online.

CEA has been the #1 leader in online education for over four years. It’s crucial that you make sure you are getting the right advice. More important than ever! We are here to help you.

If you have any questions, reply to this email with your questions.

This is the time you RISE above the chaos, PIVOT to build your life and business on solid ground with resilience, and START to serve and lead during these uncertain times.

Stay safe,

Your Signature


Survival Guide Swipe Copy:


Subject: Here’s your free survival guide, as promised!

Hi Friend,

Here’s your free Survival Guide to Take Your In-Person Business Online, as promised!

Please click here to download your copy instantly. [Add Affiliate Link to Survival Guide]

I hope you enjoy it, and find it helpful/supportive.

Don’t be afraid to hit reply and let me know if you have any questions!

It makes my day to hear from you, and I reply quickly! 😉

I look forward to checking in with you again soon!


Your Signature




  • How Your Businesses Can Be Successful in April 2020
  • How Your Businesses Can Survive the Coronavirus Outbreak…(FREE SURVIVAL GUIDE INSIDE)

Hey Friend,

What do we do now?

In a time of so much uncertainty, fear, and spending all your energy on catching up rather than moving forward, I’m sitting here in the thick of it with you…

I’m optimistic and positive about the future, though!

Because I want you to know that even in the most frustrating, scary times — there’s a bright future… the path of which starts right here and now.

I’ve been up late every night and early every morning writing down ideas and configuring new ways to help you… because we all have new problems to solve. And because I want to support you on your journey!

So, this is my opportunity to help you do exactly that – solve problems. Help you move into a place where you can see hope and clarity again!

I created this FREE survival guide to share with you how to keep your business afloat right now by moving your offerings online. 


Grab your guide here.

…If your business has been (or will soon be) affected by COVID-19 and is struggling to stay open.

If you’re trying to figure out how to keep serving your clients and stay in business, but need to figure out how to do it virtually.

… Or you’ve been thinking about doing something entirely DIFFERENT…

NOW is the time to re-invent your business! 

If you’ve been waiting for the “RIGHT MOMENT” to TAKE ACTION…

NOW is the moment you’ve been waiting for…

NOW is the perfect opportunity to make that leap, to take your business online.

But how do you make it happen? 

That’s why I created this free guide – to help you see the options available for you right now and take action, knowing that you are doing everything in your power to protect your business.

No matter what approach you take, you don’t have to invest a lot to have an effective online presence. And don’t worry about tackling everything at once — just get started with one option at a time!

Here’s the link to grab your FREE guide. 

Let’s get through this together. 🙂


Your Signature